What's the actual plan for the kde side of compiz? I was asked some time ago to replace beryl with compiz(-fusion) on the KDE-LiveCD. ATM compiz is lacking a configuration tool (former beryl-settings) and also maybe a switcher for kwin <-> compiz (Kevin Kofler is investigating these atm).
And there are also some (maybe dumb) questions: - Will compiz(-fusion) obsolete beryl in the future? - Is there a equivalent to beryl-manager that may be usuable for switching kwin<->compiz (like beryl-manager does for beryl)?
On 9/26/07, Sebastian Vahl ml@deadbabylon.de wrote:
What's the actual plan for the kde side of compiz? I was asked some time ago to replace beryl with compiz(-fusion) on the KDE-LiveCD. ATM compiz is lacking a configuration tool (former beryl-settings) and also maybe a switcher for kwin <-> compiz (Kevin Kofler is investigating these atm).
We now have a compiz-kde pacakge that has the kde-window-decorator and the GNOME specific bits are split into compiz-gnome. As for configuration tools, I'm thinking that they can be packaged up as separate RPMs and people can pick the tool they prefer.
And there are also some (maybe dumb) questions:
- Will compiz(-fusion) obsolete beryl in the future?
I'm not planning to make the compiz rpm obsolete the beryl rpm, but upstream, the two projects have merged and I don't expect the fedora beryl rpms to see much activitiy.
- Is there a equivalent to beryl-manager that may be usuable for
switching kwin<->compiz (like beryl-manager does for beryl)?
I don't know, there may be, if there is something usable out there we can add it to the compiz-kde package or the appropriate parts of the KDE packages.
cheers, Kristian
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Kristian Høgsberg wrote:
I'm not planning to make the compiz rpm obsolete the beryl rpm, but upstream, the two projects have merged and I don't expect the fedora beryl rpms to see much activitiy.
Is there a reason not to obsolete beryl?
because they do not conflict with eachother so there is no reason to do it (beryl uses %{_libdir}/berly for its plugins and also use berly as binary etc. so there are no file conflicts) ... you can install beryl and use beryl-manager sto switch between beryl, compiz(-fusion), kwin and metacity.
dragoran wrote:
Rahul Sundaram wrote:
Kristian Høgsberg wrote:
I'm not planning to make the compiz rpm obsolete the beryl rpm, but upstream, the two projects have merged and I don't expect the fedora beryl rpms to see much activitiy.
Is there a reason not to obsolete beryl?
because they do not conflict with eachother so there is no reason to do it (beryl uses %{_libdir}/berly for its plugins and also use berly as binary etc. so there are no file conflicts) ... you can install beryl and use beryl-manager sto switch between beryl, compiz(-fusion), kwin and metacity.
They don't have to conflict with each other. Beryl upstream has renamed and morphed into Compiz Fusion. Isn't that a good reason?
Am Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:29:03 -0400 schrieb "Kristian Høgsberg" krh@bitplanet.net:
On 9/26/07, Sebastian Vahl ml@deadbabylon.de wrote:
What's the actual plan for the kde side of compiz? I was asked some time ago to replace beryl with compiz(-fusion) on the KDE-LiveCD. ATM compiz is lacking a configuration tool (former beryl-settings) and also maybe a switcher for kwin <-> compiz (Kevin Kofler is investigating these atm).
We now have a compiz-kde pacakge that has the kde-window-decorator and the GNOME specific bits are split into compiz-gnome. As for configuration tools, I'm thinking that they can be packaged up as separate RPMs and people can pick the tool they prefer.
Putting the configuration tools in separate packages would be the best - at least for the size of the livecds. But compiz itself seems only to work when started with gconf as plugin (which is in compiz-gnome). A simple: compiz --replace & kde-window-decorator --replace & seems not to work. I may be wrong in that, because it was only a quick test today. If I find some time I will investigate this and open a bug.
And there are also some (maybe dumb) questions:
- Will compiz(-fusion) obsolete beryl in the future?
I'm not planning to make the compiz rpm obsolete the beryl rpm, but upstream, the two projects have merged and I don't expect the fedora beryl rpms to see much activitiy.
Good to know. Thanks. So sticking to beryl on the KDE-LiveCD is the only option I have atm.
- Is there a equivalent to beryl-manager that may be usuable for
switching kwin<->compiz (like beryl-manager does for beryl)?
I don't know, there may be, if there is something usable out there we can add it to the compiz-kde package or the appropriate parts of the KDE packages.
There seems to be a backend being developed at: http://gitweb.opencompositing.org/?p=fusion/compizconfig/compizconfig-backen... But (again) I haven't tested this (yet) and cannot say if it's usuable. There's also existing an inofficial repo containing these configuration tools: http://wiki.kagesenshi.org/moin.fcgi/CategoryPackages/CompizFusion
Maybe he is willing to package them directly in Fedora.
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
Am Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:29:03 -0400 schrieb "Kristian Høgsberg" krh@bitplanet.net:
On 9/26/07, Sebastian Vahl ml@deadbabylon.de wrote:
What's the actual plan for the kde side of compiz? I was asked some time ago to replace beryl with compiz(-fusion) on the KDE-LiveCD. ATM compiz is lacking a configuration tool (former beryl-settings) and also maybe a switcher for kwin <-> compiz (Kevin Kofler is investigating these atm).
We now have a compiz-kde pacakge that has the kde-window-decorator and the GNOME specific bits are split into compiz-gnome. As for configuration tools, I'm thinking that they can be packaged up as separate RPMs and people can pick the tool they prefer.
Putting the configuration tools in separate packages would be the best - at least for the size of the livecds. But compiz itself seems only to work when started with gconf as plugin (which is in compiz-gnome). A simple: compiz --replace & kde-window-decorator --replace & seems not to work. I may be wrong in that, because it was only a quick test today. If I find some time I will investigate this and open a bug.
you have to pass a configuration backend to compiz compiz --replace ini & should work. the kconfig backend is not in the stable (0.6) branch yet. so it will be in compiz 0.8 when it gets released which is too late for F8.
Am Wed, 26 Sep 2007 18:49:28 +0200 schrieb dragoran drago01@gmail.com:
Sebastian Vahl wrote:
Am Wed, 26 Sep 2007 11:29:03 -0400 schrieb "Kristian Høgsberg" krh@bitplanet.net:
On 9/26/07, Sebastian Vahl ml@deadbabylon.de wrote:
What's the actual plan for the kde side of compiz? I was asked some time ago to replace beryl with compiz(-fusion) on the KDE-LiveCD. ATM compiz is lacking a configuration tool (former beryl-settings) and also maybe a switcher for kwin <-> compiz (Kevin Kofler is investigating these atm).
We now have a compiz-kde pacakge that has the kde-window-decorator and the GNOME specific bits are split into compiz-gnome. As for configuration tools, I'm thinking that they can be packaged up as separate RPMs and people can pick the tool they prefer.
Putting the configuration tools in separate packages would be the best - at least for the size of the livecds. But compiz itself seems only to work when started with gconf as plugin (which is in compiz-gnome). A simple: compiz --replace & kde-window-decorator --replace & seems not to work. I may be wrong in that, because it was only a quick test today. If I find some time I will investigate this and open a bug.
you have to pass a configuration backend to compiz compiz --replace ini & should work.
Thanks, that was it. It's still not really working but this shouldn't become a support thread. :)
the kconfig backend is not in the stable (0.6) branch yet. so it will be in compiz 0.8 when it gets released which is too late for F8.
Thanks for explanation.