Hello everyone,
on 2011-04-06 I've filed https://bugzilla.redhat.com/693990 for "mutter" [ gtk_window_deiconify() ignored : Claws Mail starts minimized ] which hasn't gotten any response yet, although there are several people on the Cc list. It's somewhat sad there is only silence in that ticket.
Due to lack of responset there we've worked around the show-stopper with a hack - https://bugzilla.redhat.com/attachment.cgi?id=490216 - to fix it for F15 final, but upstream of Claws Mail has merged that patch only reluctantly because they think it's a bug in the window manager.
Now there's another similar issue. In F15 GNOME Shell, several of Claws Mail's dialogs don't get focus: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/711257 They get displayed, but the title bar is greyed out, and the user needs to click the dialog to activate it. This is new behaviour since F14 and not reproducible with e.g. Openbox in F15.
Are there any hints on what could be done in the app to make it work flawlessly again within Fedora 15 GNOME Shell?