Hi Karsten-san and docs team
Thanks for your decision of having separate xml files per language!
As quality wise, I think it would be better to have proofreader
(maintainer) for each translation same way with software translation.
To avoid confliction committing same document file in same time by more
than one translators (or maintainer), access right should be restricted
to the maintainer, I think.
Any thoughts? translators?
Btw, I discussed with Warren about this.
Ideally we'd better to have trans cvs repository apart from docs cvs.
There are several challenges to make this happen at the moment.
Karsten Wade wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 11:03 +1000, Noriko Mizumoto wrote:
>>Hi docs team
>>I am coming from fedora-trans-list, Japanese translator, Noriko
>>Mizumoto. I am so excited hearing the news that docs team is preparing
>>to host translation. I would like to say thank you, and am looking for
>>something that I can help. Please let me know if it is recommended to
>>make self introduction as translator, I am most happy to do so.
> That would be great to do. If you have done it already, you could just
> send us a link to that self-intro.
>>To me it would be nice if translators can work on po files similar to
>>fedora software modules we are currently working, since this must be one
>>of safe way to minimize translator from messing up tags. However this
>>might be required more time of your side, I guess.
>>When the format will go with inline, the file can only be translated by
>>one translator at the time and other translators have to wait for
>>her/his turn, if my understanding is correct.
>>Then it seems that this is not practical for release notes which has
>>strictly limited time-frame for both docs and trans.
> Yes, this is how the RHEL documentation is translated, with separate XML
> files per language.
> Despite our geekish preference for translations all in one file, it is
> clear we need to make them separate files.
> foo-en.xml
> foo-it.xml
> foo-ru.xml
> foo-jp.xml
> ...
> Should we want to combine then in the future, I bet there is some way to
> do it in Perl.[1]
> - Karsten
> [1] Isn't this true of everything?