Hi all,
We will face a problem in the near future that will slow us down with
translations on Transifex. Often projects are handled on a group based
permission level aka projects maintains their own translation teams and
are not using the Fedora teams. A coordinator is in charge for the
approval of new members.
There are several projects with a coordinator who is unresponsive. In
this case a new user who wants to contribute have to wait for days/weeks
to get approved. This is not really bringing us forward and is
frustrating for people who wants to get started.
I think that there needs to be something like a "unresponsive
coordinator process" (The package maintainers do it that way). Or an
other approach could be to let other coordinators approve people for
their language to any group.
What do you think about that? I know this is not really a Fedora L10n
issue but many of the Projects translated through Transifex lands in
Fedora releases.
Kind regards,