My name is Alex Eng and I'm from Zanata team.
Apart from engineering, I'm interested in working in translations too for
I'm fluent in Simplify Chinese, Malay, English, and Traditional Chinese but
I would start with Simplify Chinese for the time being.
Alex Eng
Bug ID: 1236278
Summary: Update the words in Marathi spell check
Product: Fedora Localization
Component: Other language
Severity: low
Assignee: dimitris(a)glezos.com
Reporter: shantanu.oak(a)gmail.com
QA Contact: aalam(a)redhat.com
CC: dimitris(a)glezos.com, piotrdrag(a)gmail.com,
Description of problem:
The words found in current hunspell are not enough.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
All versions
How reproducible:
Try marathi spell check in Libre office.
Actual results:
Unsatisfactory options
Expected results:
Better suggestions.
Additional info:
Add all the verified words from this link:
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
Unsubscribe from this bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/token.cgi?t=C8kMP3BVwj&a=cc_unsubscribe
Bug ID: 1193258
Summary: L10N wiki pages seem to all still refer to transifex
Product: Fedora Localization
Component: l10n-requests
Assignee: dimitris(a)glezos.com
Reporter: rbean(a)redhat.com
QA Contact: aalam(a)redhat.com
CC: diegobz(a)gmail.com, dimitris(a)glezos.com,
fedora(a)couf.be, piotrdrag(a)gmail.com,
It is my understanding that we have moved from transifex to zanata. Correct?
Lots of the L10N pages still point to transifex and it would help for
onboarding new contributors if they pointed instead to zanata.
For instance, this one is laden with references:
You are receiving this mail because:
You are on the CC list for the bug.
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Hi All,
$subject. Two problems:
1. There is chance of FAS user can create account with different username
and it will affect our plan to connect with FedBus and generate stats.
2. Was talking with CLA agreement with Zanata guys earlier. They said
rather than they work on signing agreement from users, they want user
simply sign CLA of different project i.e. Fedora, OepnStack and they will
simply connect users to respective project portal. In this case no need to
sign other terms of Zanata (please correct me here if i am wrong). I mean
just user can simply log in and start work.
Most of you might have seen it earlier. I thought its possible to get
rid of this and created ticket against Fedora Infra. [1]
Looks like there is method/way already. Will be very nice if we can
improvement it. Will be very nice if Zanata team works with puiterwijk and
fix it soon.
Pravin Satpute
1. https://fedorahosted.org/fedora-infrastructure/ticket/4947
g11n mailing list
As all we know, we had successful and memorable first G11N FAD 2015 in
Tokyo between 1st to 3rd November. It was already a month ago, but just
thought that it might be good to share the summary report what I
discussed with others and some achievement for mainly Localization.
I also like to attach the overall summary prepared by Jens [1] and the
stsatus presentation slide for L10N and FLTG prepared by Ani [2], thanks
[DAY 1]
We, l10n, fltg, i18n, zanata, all got together and presented the status
each other. During hackathon, I have worked and created 'G11N'
presentation slide with other members. This will be available on G11N
wiki page. In the evening, we also had hangout talk and shared ideas
with Cambodian team joining FAD online.
[DAY 2]
In the morning, we all had hangout talk and shared ideas with Fedora
Project Leader, Matthew. As part of hackaton, I have joined the
discussion about new FGSCo structure proposal to strengthen our team as
one G11N. Then I joined the hackathon of recent zanata survey feedback
analysis. It was fun and fruitful dinner gathering at the end.
[DAY 3]
L10N team and FLTG discussed to determine important packages to
localize, giving priority. So that translators can easily find which
package to start without asking around. The deprecated packages list has
also been updated. In order to achieve this, we had a lot of help from
I18N team members as well. I have had proposed 'software deadline change
for F24' and discussed with others. We arrived the consensus no-go for
this proposal, instead I18N members will start seeking and developing a
script to auto-detect string breaks. L10N members will monitor the
breaks closer and produce statistics.
As future F24 planning, we L10N members aim to hold more local
Thanks for reading :-)
g11n mailing list
Hi All,
Not discussed on L10N and Zanata stuff much. Will discuss more in next
meeting. Had productive meeting from i18n side with lots of action items.
More on me though ;)
Here goes minutes
#fedora-meeting: g11n
Meeting started by pravins at 06:00:42 UTC. The full logs are available
Meeting summary
* agenda and roll call (pravins, 06:00:56)
* LINK: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-11-25
(pravins, 06:00:57)
* Upcoming schedule (pravins, 06:02:18)
* 2016-01-12 Change Checkpoint: Proposal submission deadline
(System Wide Changes) (pravins, 06:02:18)
* not scheduled yet Side Tag Builds Deadline (pravins, 06:02:18)
* not required Mass Rebuild (pravins, 06:02:18)
* 2016-02-02 Branch Fedora 24 from Rawhide (Rawhide becomes future
F25) (pravins, 06:02:18)
* 2016-02-16 Alpha Freeze (*) (pravins, 06:02:19)
* 2016-02-16 Software String Freeze (pravins, 06:02:21)
* 2016-02-16 Change Checkpoint: Completion deadline (testable)
(pravins, 06:02:23)
* 2016-02-16 Bodhi activation point (pravins, 06:02:25)
* Outstanding task (pravins, 06:03:46)
* #36: gnome redesign plans for control-center Region and Languages
(anishpatil) (pravins, 06:03:47)
* ACTION: anish_ to update bug report to disable xkb layouts for
Indian language in gnome. (pravins, 06:09:01)
* LINK: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=756939 (pravins,
* New topics (pravins, 06:09:43)
* #43: G11N FAD in 2015 (pravins) (pravins, 06:09:52)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43 (pravins, 06:09:52)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/43#comment:16 (pravins,
* ACTION: All FAD attendees to upload report/summaries blog link on
ticket #43 (pravins, 06:13:55)
* ACTION: pravins to ask all FAD attendees for summaries and reports.
(pravins, 06:14:11)
* paragan expense claim is almost done. (pravins, 06:17:40)
* anish_ expense claim approved and moved to Ruth for reimbursement.
(pravins, 06:17:58)
* mfabian will complete event reports and expense claim today.
(pravins, 06:18:45)
* No report and expense claims from Ani and Noriko yet. (pravins,
* ACTION: pravins to work on Collaborating summary post on G11N Fedora
activities day. (pravins, 06:20:37)
* #57: Fedora 24 change planing (pravins) (pravins, 06:21:17)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/57 (pravins, 06:21:21)
* IDEA: String Breakage monitoring (Jens, Akira) (pravins, 06:22:13)
* IDEA: Merge IBus fbterm into ibus core (Fujiwara) (pravins,
* Confusion should it be merged into IBus or simply fork since not
active upstream. (pravins, 06:23:24)
(pravins, 06:25:37)
* ACTION: fujiwarat to set deadline for "Merge IBus fbterm into ibus
core" (pravins, 06:28:11)
(pravins, 06:32:04)
* IDEA: ibus-typing-booster: AltGr support (mfabian) (pravins,
* IDEA: Pinyin/zhuyin (epico) (pravins, 06:32:39)
* IDEA: Automation of langpack LiveCD ( paragan ) (pravins, 06:33:17)
* IDEA: PoC of NextGen G11n workflow (Jens/Zanata?) (pravins,
* IDEA: ITS for Gnome ( ueno ) (pravins, 06:33:46)
(pravins, 06:37:28)
* IDEA: Automatic testing ( tagoh___) (pravins, 06:37:51)
* IDEA: Description support of the configuration in fontconfig (
tagoh___) (pravins, 06:38:07)
* ACTION: paragan to create ticket for Automation of langpack LiveCD
for better tracking status. (pravins, 06:41:43)
* ACTION: pravins to drop email on i18n list with all missed idea for
F24. (pravins, 06:43:20)
* #58: Prioritizing bugs for Fedora 24 release (pravins) (pravins,
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/58 (pravins, 06:45:34)
* All open bugs are available on
https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/I18N/Meetings/2015-11-25 (pravins,
* Rawhide bugs:
(pravins, 06:48:23)
* Fedora 23 bugs
(pravins, 06:49:04)
(pravins, 06:49:13)
* ACTION: Everyone to select few bugs from Bug list for Fedora 24
development cycle. (pravins, 06:50:49)
* ACTION: pravins to create Wiki for listing bugs for Fedora 24.
(pravins, 06:53:43)
* #56: Fedora 21 EOL Bugs traiging (pravins ) (pravins, 06:53:59)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/i18n/ticket/56 (pravins, 06:53:59)
(pravins, 06:54:47)
* ACTION: pravins to drop email on i18n list with open bugs (pravins,
* ACTION: paragan ueno epico tagoh___ to triage open bugs for Fedora
21. (pravins, 07:01:13)
* #15: Questions on Translation work flow for Fedora Website
(pravins, 07:01:38)
* LINK: https://fedorahosted.org/g11n/ticket/15 (pravins, 07:01:38)
* ACTION: resolve "Questions on Translation work flow for Fedora
Website" by Next week G11N meeting. (pravins, 07:04:51)
* Open Floor (pravins, 07:05:02)
Meeting ended at 07:09:04 UTC.
Action Items
* anish_ to update bug report to disable xkb layouts for Indian language
in gnome.
* All FAD attendees to upload report/summaries blog link on ticket #43
* pravins to ask all FAD attendees for summaries and reports.
* pravins to work on Collaborating summary post on G11N Fedora
activities day.
* fujiwarat to set deadline for "Merge IBus fbterm into ibus core"
* paragan to create ticket for Automation of langpack LiveCD for better
tracking status.
* pravins to drop email on i18n list with all missed idea for F24.
* Everyone to select few bugs from Bug list for Fedora 24 development
* pravins to create Wiki for listing bugs for Fedora 24.
* pravins to drop email on i18n list with open bugs
* paragan ueno epico tagoh___ to triage open bugs for Fedora 21.
* resolve "Questions on Translation work flow for Fedora Website" by
Next week G11N meeting.
Action Items, by person
* anish_
* anish_ to update bug report to disable xkb layouts for Indian
language in gnome.
* epico
* paragan ueno epico tagoh___ to triage open bugs for Fedora 21.
* fujiwarat
* fujiwarat to set deadline for "Merge IBus fbterm into ibus core"
* paragan
* paragan to create ticket for Automation of langpack LiveCD for
better tracking status.
* paragan ueno epico tagoh___ to triage open bugs for Fedora 21.
* pravins
* pravins to ask all FAD attendees for summaries and reports.
* pravins to work on Collaborating summary post on G11N Fedora
activities day.
* pravins to drop email on i18n list with all missed idea for F24.
* pravins to create Wiki for listing bugs for Fedora 24.
* pravins to drop email on i18n list with open bugs
* ueno
* paragan ueno epico tagoh___ to triage open bugs for Fedora 21.
* All FAD attendees to upload report/summaries blog link on ticket #43
* Everyone to select few bugs from Bug list for Fedora 24 development
* resolve "Questions on Translation work flow for Fedora Website" by
Next week G11N meeting.
People Present (lines said)
* pravins (144)
* zodbot (8)
* anish_ (8)
* paragan (6)
* mfabian (3)
* fujiwarat (3)
* ueno (2)
* epico (2)
* suanand (1)
Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
.. _`MeetBot`: http://wiki.debian.org/MeetBot
g11n mailing list
Hi there,
I created a better statistic file.
You can donwload the script from there :
=> they may be some timeouts, I don't know why, but it looks like to be
project-iteration related.
You can download the ods file with results from there :
Here are the results (at today 22th november) , I choosed classics
european languages and some languages I heard about in the mailing list
in the last month (Chinese, Romanian and Kmer).
Language Total MESSAGE Total WORD Translated MESSAGE Translated
French 49900 585174 31189 295083 62,50% 50,43%
Spanish 49900 585174 31190 288543 62,51% 49,31%
German 49900 585174 25906 182923 51,92% 31,26%
Chinese 49900 585174 20610 142573 41,30% 24,36%
Romanian 49900 585174 3539 20357 7,09% 3,48%
Kmer 49423 583242 899 6842 1,82% 1,17%
It's very difficult to say that French and Spanish really are more
translated than German or Chinese but it may help to have a better
global view for teams.
-- Jean-Baptiste Holcroft