* Name: Marek Suchánek
* Location: Brno, Czech Republic
* Login: mareksu
* Language: Czech (cs_CZ)
* Profession or student status: university student
* About You: I first installed Linux in 2007 and it quickly became my main OS and a long-term hobby. I've tried various distributions, finally becoming a Fedora user in 2012 with version 17. I'm also interested in languages and humanities which is what I study at school. I enjoy translating; I've contributed to elementaryOS and gnome-mpv. For the past year, I've been learning to code (mostly in Python), though I don't feel too confident about it yet.
* You and the Fedora Project: I think Fedora is great and I'd like to contribute back to make it even better. Translating is what I have some experience with so that's where I'd start.
* GPG KEYID and fingerprint: gpg2 --fingerprint 57F496FB
pub rsa2048 2016-08-30 [SC]
C82D 4B60 A830 A8B7 8DD9 1DD0 7850 DEE0 57F4 96FB
uid [ absolutní ] Marek Suchánek <mareksu(a)fedoraproject.org>
sub rsa2048 2016-08-30 [E]