Hi all,
please find below my application for the translations team.
Name: Gabriele Spina
Location: Turin, Italy
Login: gabriele
Language: Italian
Profession or student status: Telecommunications Engineer
About You: I work in a multinational mobile communications company. I love
open source and Linux especially. For this reason I'd like to go deeper in
my Linux knowledge and give my contribution to the community. I used some
different distributions in the past (Ubuntu, Debian, Arch Linux), now
landed to Fedora and found my balance.
You and the Fedora Project: Translation is the first step to get involved
in the community, but I would like to increase my skills and give my
contribution also from a technical side. There are so many interesting
projects here...
GPG KEYID and fingerprint: CAC90A95 Key fingerprint = EECD D244 6F0E 2665
3CC7 1BC8 CD70 A9FA CAC9 0A95
Best Regards,