Hello everybody !
I'm Guillaume Bonnoron a.k.a. lenormand. Currently I live in Brest, France
but I may move within 2 years. I'm here to join the French translation team
Today, I study at TELECOM Bretagne engineering school and I have also some
skills in computer science and cryptography.
I've been using Fedora since Fedora Core 4, and I've always be pleased by it
so I have decided to join the project.
Here are my GPG information :
[guillaume@satellix ~]$ gpg2 --fingerprint CAF34F69
pub 2048R/CAF34F69 2010-09-29
Key fingerprint = A0C6 1356 DD7F B4BA E93F D211 388D 3BF8 CAF3 4F69
uid Guillaume Bonnoron <lenormand76(a)gmail.com>
sub 2048R/D1712DFC 2010-09-29
Looking forward to working with you !
Guillaume B.
Be free. Think Linux.