Hello, everyone!
- Name: Gustavo Kazuhiko Rodrigues Mitamura
- Location: Araxá - Minas Gerais
- Login: gustavokrm
- Language: Portuguese
- Profession or Student status: Bachelor degree in Compputer Science,
currently unemployed
- About You: I am a very curious person that leassy enjoy listening to
- You and the Fedora Project: I am very interested in being part of the
translation team so I can hone my skills with experience and contribute to
a project that I enjoy very much. I have been using Fedora since 2011, and
I thought I should give something back.
- sudo gpg --fingerprint 3A9DBC94
pub 2048R/3A9DBC94 2014-03-31 [expires: 2015-03-31]
Key fingerprint = A010 E006 1DB1 715A 18B3 D2D2 8468 7D0D 3A9D
uid Gustavo Kazuhiko Rodrigues Mitamura <
sub 2048R/5F2A6419 2014-03-31 [expires: 2015-03-31]