FOSDEM 2008: L10N meeting (Sunday)
We meet up with some off the people who where around at Fosdem to
discuss in-person how we were doing as a project, and how we could
enable ourselves to do things much better. Part of this group had an
initial meeting with Max Spevack last year at the same event and that
kicked off all the stuff that's been going on in L10N recently. If you
have any questions what so ever, don't hesitate to ask on-list.
* Fabian Affolter (de): german maintainer
* Michael (sk): new to the L10N project
* Marek Mahut (sk): slovak maintainer
* Thomas Canniot (fr): french maintainer
* Josselin (fr): interested in translation memories
* Bart Couvreur (nl): dutch maintainer
* Dimitris Glezos (el): greek maintainer, toolchain ninja
* Friedel Wolff: writer of pootle (web-based translation tool)
Difficulties in the project:
* Same language can be written in a slightly different way
depeneding on the country (de_DE vs de_CH)
* Translators need to feel involved
* Loss of motivation because the system is to hard to join / use
* People need to know English, which actually doesn't have to be
the case (proof-reading is also part of translation)
* Communication is key factor to succes
Successes in the project:
* Creating maintainership role has been a serious boost for the
different teams
* Centralization of the tools is a huge step in the right
* Easier for a translator to use: no need to know any CLI tools to
get to work, but allowing people who do like CLI to continue
their work
* Increased visibility in the Fedora project
* Metrics showing a serious increase in the project of members,
commits, mails, ...
Tools (evaluation + todo):
* Damned Lies (stats):
1. (Eval) Branches, languages, modules makes it easier to
find stuff.
2. (TODO) Connect DL with Transifex, with easy
upload/download links. Possibly merge DL and Transifex,
to make it even better (keep the hard parts of DL, and
replace the easy ones with Transifex, makes it more
3. (TODO) Sorting can be done better: always keep HEAD,
tip, master on top to avoid confusion
* Transifex:
1. (Eval) Combining the different VCS has been considerd
the major succes the past year
2. (TODO) CLI has highest priority (over HTTP/JSON)
3. (TODO) Ability to check the commits by maintainers
4. (TODO) Increase verbosity, errors, etc
5. (TODO) Locking the files to one person; use mails to
check when a files get updates,
6. (TODO) Automatic e-mails to list when pot-files get
updated (Update the specific module when a pot-file gets
committed, which sends a mail to the list <-> check on
the updates-script which files changed and send thoose
pot-files at that moment)
7. (TODO) Let Transifex send a mail to the apporpriate list
on commits
General ideas:
* Translation memory: keeping the translations consistent, let
translators do look-ups to make translations beter
* Web translation interface: start to use Pootle to increase the
input from the community. Pootle can do suggestion-based
translations, which leaves the final responsibility with the
translator/maintainer. Pootle can be configured per language,
per module, ... . If possible (CLA permits, Legal needs to be
contacted) allow outsiders to do suggestions. Pootle can also
split a huge translation file into smaller chunks, so different
translators can work on it at the same time
* Localized spins on release day?
That's it, feel free to comment on anything, or if you don't get what
it's about :-)
Thanks to all who took part in this,
Bart <couf(a)> <couf(a)>
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