Hi there,
The Mindshare Committee is working on establishing a new quarterly report.
As I went to convert it into a CommBlog post[0], I realized that we were
only covering the teams that have reps on Mindshare. I would like to invite
the Translations Team to submit additions for the report on the
corresponding ticket [1]. I will then add them to the CommBlog draft and
get it published.
A couple notes:
- Participation is optional
- Submissions should be in bullet form, not paragraphs
- Please include any relevant links
- This report intends to cover activity during Oct-Nov-Dec of 2021
- There is a "Help Wanted" section that all teams are welcome to add to
- Please submit by end of day Sunday January 16th
If the team wants to skip this one and participate in a later report, that
is totally okay. We will also work to gather additions earlier in the
process next time around.
[1] https://pagure.io/mindshare/issue/306
Marie Nordin
Fedora Community Action and Impact Coordinator
Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com/> • Fedora Project <https://getfedora.org/>
IRC/Element: riecatnor
Can someone please look into this?
Thank you.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
Od: Yuri Chornoivan <noreply(a)weblate.org>
Date: po 23. 5. 2022 v 18:21
Subject: [Fedora Weblate] Chyba v repozitáři na
To: <jgrulich(a)redhat.com>
Chyba při sloučení repozitáře
Fedora Weblate <https://translate.fedoraproject.org> / fedora-media-writer
<https://translate.fedoraproject.org/projects/fedora-media-writer/> /
Chybová zpráva
Auto-merging po/mediawriter_ar.po
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in po/mediawriter_ar.po
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
Stav repozitáře
On branch main
Your branch and 'origin/main' have diverged,
and have 2 and 3 different commits each, respectively.
(use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)
You have unmerged paths.
(fix conflicts and run "git commit")
(use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)
Unmerged paths:
(use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
both modified: po/mediawriter_ar.po
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
Typický postup pro vyřešení konfliktů
1. Zapsat všechny změny ve Weblate a zamkněte součást pro překlady.
wlc commit; wlc lock
2. Přidejte repozitář exportovaný Weblate jako vzdálený.
git remote add weblate
; git remote update weblate
3. Slučte změny Weblate a vyřešte jakékoliv konflikty.
git merge weblate/main
4. Odešlete změny do vzdáleného repozitáře.
git push origin main
5. Weblate by teď měl mít přístup k opravenému repozitáři a můžete ho
wlc pull ; wlc unlock
V často kladených dotazech naleznete návod na vyřešení této situace.
Informace o součásti
Jazyky 39
Všechny řetězce 5 733
Přeložené řetězce 3 679 64 %
Nepřeložené řetězce 1 108 19 %
Nedokončených řetězců 2 054 35 %
Řetězce označené pro úpravu 946 16 %
Weblate, svobodný systém pro průběžnou lokalizaci. <https://weblate.org/>
▸ Nastavení upozornění
▸ Vypnout toto upozornění
Vytvořeno 23. května 2022 16:21
On behalf of the Docs team, I want to share that we'll be moving the
repos that the Docs team maintains to GitLab. Note that this does not
require any other teams to move their repos. For more details, see our
Community Blog post:
If you have any questions, visit the #docs tag in Fedora Discussion:
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
If you missed the announcement at the release party, the F36 release
retrospective survey is now open:
It should only take a few moments of your time. No matter how you
participated in the development and release of F36, I'd like your
input. (Remember, this is about the process of producing F36, not the
end result.) If you have any questions, please let me know. If you
have suggestions for the next time around, there's a field for that in
the survey!
The survey is open through 27 May. As I did for F35[1], I'll share
results on the Community Blog in June..
[1] https://communityblog.fedoraproject.org/f35-retrospective-results/
Ben Cotton
He / Him / His
Fedora Program Manager
Red Hat
We released a new version of Fedora Media Writer yesterday as we wanted to
release it before Fedora 36 gets released. However, that didn't give you
much time to do translation. I would like to kindly ask anyone working on
translations for their language, whether they can look into translating the
latest FMW or fixing wrong translations so our users don't face issues like
this [1]. The new version has way less strings to be translated than the
previous version where we had descriptions for each Fedora variant.
You can translate it here:
[1] -
Thank you for your help.
Jan Grulich
I was looking in Pagure at the Fedora install guide repository and
noticed that the F36 page for Booting the Installation, despite using
the same strings as F35, is untranslated.
In F35 I translated the Booting The Installation page to Spanish
and many of my translations carried over to the pages for the previous
versions of Fedora as well as rawhide.
The same page in the F36 docs
seems like it's the exact same strings as the F35 version.
So I was wondering if it's possible for Weblate or Pagure to just use
the existing translations in the F35 version for F36, or if it will be
necessary to copy one by one the strings for the F36 page.
I would like to create a translation component that will track 1.2.x
branch of authselect. I find Weblate still quite confusing so I need to
ask: How can I do that?
I remember setting some options on existing components. Is it possible
to copy all the components and just change the branch name so I don't
have to set the options again?