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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: Swedish yum strings incorrect or not translated
Summary: Swedish yum strings incorrect or not translated
Product: Fedora Localization
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86_64
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: low
Priority: low
Component: Other language
AssignedTo: dimitris(a)
ReportedBy: bd.dali(a)
QAContact: aalam(a)
CC: fedora-trans-list(a)
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem:
Some yum strings are either misspelled or not translated, example:
Installerar 0 Package(s)
Uppdaterar 8 Package(s)
Tar bort 0 Package(s)
- "Transaktionssamanfattning" is misspelled, should be
- "Package(s)" should be translated to "Paket".
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
Fedora 11 RC.
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Run "yum update" on a swedish FC11 RC. If there are any updates, you'll see.
Actual results:
Expected results:
Additional info:
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Summary: Some gnome-main-menu entries have ' ' signs in Portuguese (PT) Fedora
Summary: Some gnome-main-menu entries have ' ' signs in
Portuguese (PT) Fedora
Product: Fedora Localization
Version: unspecified
Platform: All
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: low
Priority: low
Component: Other language
AssignedTo: dimitris(a)
ReportedBy: amrlima(a)
QAContact: aalam(a)
CC: fedora-trans-list(a)
Classification: Fedora
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en; rv:
Gecko/20080528 Fedora/2.24.3-4.fc10 Epiphany/2.22 Firefox/3.0
This is more a of suggestion. In some gnome-main-menu entries you have some
terms, which are not translated because there is no proper portuguese
translation for them and it's common to use the english word instead, you have
'Firewall' and 'Senha de Root' (root password). I think the '' signs don«t look
very good in a menu like this, although I agree they can be used in general
So my suggestion is to remove the '' signs from these menu entries.
Reproducible: Always
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comments should be made in the comments box of this bug.
Summary: Some menus in GIMP are not translated in Ukrainian
Summary: Some menus in GIMP are not translated in Ukrainian
Product: Fedora Localization
Version: unspecified
Platform: x86_64
OS/Version: Linux
Status: NEW
Severity: low
Priority: low
Component: Other language
AssignedTo: dimitris(a)
ReportedBy: contact_info(a)
QAContact: aalam(a)
CC: fedora-trans-list(a)
Classification: Fedora
Description of problem: see the pictures attached
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My name is Javier. I am from Spain and I'd like to help translating Fedora to spanish. I am System and Network admin at Public University of Navarre at Pamplona where we are using linux since 1995. May FAS username is jfdezl.
My GPG key and fingerprint:
pub 1024D/827FD232 2009-06-12
Key fingerprint = DA95 8948 897B 22B7 97F3 03D8 7FD3 9B0C 827F D232
uid Javier Fernandez Landa <jfdezl(a)>
sub 2048g/5716A07E 2009-06-12
W dniu 25.06.2009 22:02, Piotr Drąg pisze:
> I would like to move all bugs from Transifex component to Website,
> because our site is now entirely using Transifex, and then delete
> Transifex from Bugzilla. Is component deletion even possible? What's
> your opinions about this change?
Because there were no feedback, I'll move all bugs on 1st July, if no
one complains to this date and then I'll ask Bugzilla administrators to
remove "Transifex" component. I hope we can avoid some confusion this way.
Piotr Drąg
This is my introduction.
* Full legal name-Aveek Sen
* City-Ranchi & Agartala, Country-India
* FAS user name-aveeksen
* Language to translate-Hindi, Bengali & French(rudimentary)
* Student status-Second year student of Electronics &
Communication Engineering, Fedora Ambassador, NIT Agartala, India.
* College-NIT Agartala, India.
* You and the Fedora Project- currently an ambassador with the
Fedora project
* What level and type of computer skills do you have?
Know basics of C, C++, Java, Python & shell-scripting
* User interface design, other so-called soft skills (people
skills), programming, etc.-- A am good orator & people's person
* GPG KEYID-D437DD9A and fingerprint-9EC1 559C 0744 029B 01B4
B942 707B 3D0D D437 DD9A
[root@aveek /]# gpg --fingerprint D437DD9A
pub 1024D/D437DD9A 2009-06-26
Key fingerprint = 9EC1 559C 0744 029B 01B4 B942 707B 3D0D D437 DD9A
uid Aveek Sen <aveeksn(a)>
sub 2048g/B5A40FF4 2009-06-26
My Fedora wiki page-
Transifex should be up and running again. We've done quite a few
changes on the server which will make our lives easier i the future.
I've done a few tests and things seem OK from here. If you see any
glitches, please report in #fedora-l10n and #fedora-admin.
Thanks all.
Dimitris Glezos
Founder and Chief Engineer, Indifex
Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution --
Hi, All!
My name is Igor Gorbounov, I'm using Fedora/RedHat at work and at home
since RedHat 5.02 (migrated from OS/2)
My native language is Russian and I'd like to contribute to localization
Project and, may be, to participate in translating docs.
Here is a short self-introduction:
I'm living in Volgodonsk, Russia (Timezone - "Europe/Moscow", UTC/GMT
+3 hours).
I'm working now as a program developer mainly for embedded devices
(using AVR-GCC, SDCC...).
I've participated in localization of three open source projects:
Qucs ( Virtual Box
( and
dvdisaster (
FAS username - igorbounov
GPG KEYID and fingerprint:
C266 B4E6 7338 9F7D E648 658E 5011 A19C 2F7A CFE4
uid Igor Gorbounov (me) <igor.gorbounov(a)>
sub 2048g/4B2CB849 2009-06-27
Igor Gorbounov
A quick note to say that Ricky and the Infrastructure group are
working on our servers and you might notice some problems today. We're
working in ironing the rough edges out.
Dimitris Glezos
Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution --
I would like to help with translation Fedora to Czech language. My name
is Dusan Hokuv and i am translator of Freeciv, Gnome Commander and KVirc
for example. My user name in fedoraproject is hunter688.